function [V_pq] = Zernike_polynomial(rho,theta, p,q) % % Note I could do these calculations in a vectorized manner but for time % constraints choose to just to the simplest thing and assume the input % arguments are scalars. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-04 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- assert( p>=0, 'p must be a nonnegative integer' ); assert( mod(p-abs(q),2)==0, 'must have the difference p - |q| even' ); assert( abs(q)<=p, 'incorrect sizes for p and q' ); % Evaluate the radial part sUpperLimt = 0.5 * ( p - abs(q) ); sArray = 0:sUpperLimt; num_fact_1 = (-1).^sArray; num_fact_2 = factorial( p - sArray ); num_fact_3 = rho.^( p - 2 * sArray ); den_fact_1 = factorial( sArray ); den_fact_2 = factorial( 0.5*(p + abs(q)) - sArray ); den_fact_3 = factorial( 0.5*(p - abs(q)) - sArray ); num = num_fact_1 .* num_fact_2 .* num_fact_3; den = den_fact_1 .* den_fact_2 .* den_fact_3; R_pq = sum( num ./ den ); V_pq = R_pq * exp( i * q * theta );