function [moments] = Hu_moments(I) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-04 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % % Epage % %----- % Make sure that the pixels of I have values that are indexed from 1,2,...N_g this way we can use MATLAB one based indexing uElts = unique( I(:) ); N_g = length(uElts); Icp = zeros(size(I)); for ii=1:N_g inds = find( I(:)==uElts(ii) ); Icp(inds) = ii; end I = Icp; [M,N] = size(I); if( true ) % the horizontal image axis is *x* and is mapped to [-1,+1] (these are the bin centers): dx = 2/N; xs = linspace(-1+0.5*dx,+1-0.5*dx,N); xArray = repmat( xs, [M,1] ); % the vertical image axis is *y* and is mapped to [-1,+1] (these are the bin centers): dy = 2/M; ys = linspace(-1+0.5*dy,+1-0.5*dy,M); ys = ys'; yArray = repmat( ys, [1,N] ); yArray = flipud( yArray ); else xArray = repmat( 1:N, [M,1] ); yArray = repmat( (1:M)', [1,N] ); yArray = flipud(yArray); end % compute m_pq for 0 <= p <= 3 and 0 <= q <= 3: max_p = 3; max_q = 3; M_PQ = zeros(max_p+1,max_q+1); for pp=0:max_p for qq=0:max_q xAToP = xArray.^pp; yAToQ = yArray.^qq; tmp = I .* xAToP .* yAToQ; M_PQ(pp+1,qq+1) = sum(tmp(:)); end end % compute the expressions for xbar and ybar: xbar = M_PQ(2,1)/M_PQ(1,1); ybar = M_PQ(1,2)/M_PQ(1,1); % compute the expressions mu_pq for 0 <= p <= 3 and 0 <= q <= 3: MU_PQ = zeros(max_p+1,max_q+1); for pp=0:max_p for qq=0:max_q xAToP = (xArray - xbar).^pp; yAToQ = (yArray - ybar).^qq; tmp = I .* xAToP .* yAToQ; MU_PQ(pp+1,qq+1) = sum(tmp(:)); end end % compute the expressions for eta_pq for 0 <= p <= 3 and 0 <= q <= 3: ETA_PQ = zeros(max_p+1,max_q+1); for pp=0:max_p for qq=0:max_q gamma = ( pp + qq + 2 )/2; ETA_PQ(pp+1,qq+1) = MU_PQ(pp+1,qq+1)/(MU_PQ(1,1)^gamma); end end % compute the Hu moments: % phi1 = ETA_PQ(3,1) + ETA_PQ(1,3); phi2 = (ETA_PQ(3,1) - ETA_PQ(1,3))^2 + 4*ETA_PQ(2,2)^2; phi3 = (ETA_PQ(4,1) - 3*ETA_PQ(2,3))^2 + (ETA_PQ(1,4) - 3*ETA_PQ(3,2))^2; phi4 = (ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))^2 + (ETA_PQ(1,4) + ETA_PQ(3,2))^2; phi5 = (ETA_PQ(4,1) - 3*ETA_PQ(2,3))*(ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))*( (ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))^2 - 3*(ETA_PQ(3,2) + ETA_PQ(1,4))^2 ) ... + (ETA_PQ(1,4) - 3*ETA_PQ(3,2))*(ETA_PQ(1,4) + ETA_PQ(3,2))*( (ETA_PQ(1,4) + ETA_PQ(3,2))^2 - 3*(ETA_PQ(2,3) + ETA_PQ(4,1))^2 ); phi6 = (ETA_PQ(3,1) - ETA_PQ(1,3))*( (ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))^2 - (ETA_PQ(3,2) + ETA_PQ(1,4))^2 ) ... + 4*ETA_PQ(2,2)*(ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))*(ETA_PQ(1,4) + ETA_PQ(3,2)); phi7 = (3*ETA_PQ(3,2) - ETA_PQ(1,4))*(ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))*( (ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))^2 - 3*(ETA_PQ(3,2) + ETA_PQ(1,4))^2 ) ... + (ETA_PQ(4,1) - 3*ETA_PQ(2,3))*(ETA_PQ(3,2) + ETA_PQ(1,4))*( (ETA_PQ(1,4) + ETA_PQ(3,2))^2 - 3*(ETA_PQ(4,1) + ETA_PQ(2,3))^2 ); moments = [ phi1, phi2, phi3, phi4, phi5, phi6, phi7 ];