function [] = prob_13_7_d() % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-14 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % Holds the states (v_star, u_star): q_star = [ 1 1 ]; v = linspace( -3, 5, 1000 ); % Part (i): % up = q_star(2) + sqrt( - ( (-exp(v)) - (-exp(q_star(1))) ) ./ ( v - q_star(1) ) ) .* ( v - q_star(1) ); um = q_star(2) - sqrt( - ( (-exp(v)) - (-exp(q_star(1))) ) ./ ( v - q_star(1) ) ) .* ( v - q_star(1) ); figure; hp = plot( v, up, '-bo' ); hold on; hm = plot( v, um, '-rx' ); grid on; plot( q_star(1), q_star(2), 'ok', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k' ); xlabel( 'v' ); ylabel( 'u' ); legend( [ hp, hm ], 'Plus Sign', 'Minus Sign' ); saveas( gcf, 'chap_13_prob_7_pt_d_i.eps', 'psc2' ); % Part (ii): % p_star = -(2*q_star(1)+0.1*exp(q_star(1))); p = -(2*v+0.1*exp(v)); up = q_star(2) + sqrt( - ( p - p_star ) ./ (v - q_star(1) ) ) .* ( v - q_star(1) ); um = q_star(2) - sqrt( - ( p - p_star ) ./ (v - q_star(1) ) ) .* ( v - q_star(1) ); figure; hp = plot( v, up, '-bo' ); hold on; hm = plot( v, um, '-rx' ); grid on; plot( q_star(1), q_star(2), 'ok', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k' ); xlabel( 'v' ); ylabel( 'u' ); legend( [ hp, hm ], 'Plus Sign', 'Minus Sign' ); saveas( gcf, 'chap_13_prob_7_pt_d_ii.eps', 'psc2' ); % Part (iii): % p_star = -(2*q_star(1)); p = -(2*v); up = q_star(2) + sqrt( - ( p - p_star ) ./ (v - q_star(1) ) ) .* ( v - q_star(1) ); um = q_star(2) - sqrt( - ( p - p_star ) ./ (v - q_star(1) ) ) .* ( v - q_star(1) ); figure; hp = plot( v, up, '-bo' ); hold on; hm = plot( v, um, '-rx' ); grid on; plot( q_star(1), q_star(2), 'ok', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k' ); xlabel( 'v' ); ylabel( 'u' ); legend( [ hp, hm ], 'Plus Sign', 'Minus Sign' ); saveas( gcf, 'chap_13_prob_7_pt_d_iii.eps', 'psc2' );