if( !require('phaseR') ){ install.packages('phaseR') } library(phaseR) # Parameters of the system: # epsilon_1 = 1.0 sigma_1 = 1.0 alpha_1 = 1.0 epsilon_2 = 1.5 sigma_2 = 1.0 alpha_2 = 1.0 print(sprintf('CP denominator= %f', sigma_1*sigma_2 - alpha_1*alpha_2)) # The critical points of this system: # CP = data.frame( x=c(0, 0, epsilon_1/sigma_1), y=c(0, epsilon_2/sigma_2, 0)) my_jacobian = function(x, y) { # returns the Jacobian at the point (x, y) # J = matrix(c(epsilon_1 - 2*sigma_1*x - alpha_1*y, -alpha_1*x, -alpha_2*y, epsilon_2 - 2*sigma_2*y - alpha_2*x), nrow=2, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) } As = mapply(my_jacobian, CP$x, CP$y, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) for (ii in 1:length(As)){ es = eigen(As[[ii]]) print(sprintf('CP: x= %f; y= %f', CP$x[ii], CP$y[ii])) print('Jacobian=') print(As[[ii]]) print('eigenvalues=') print(es$values) } my_yprime = function(t, y, parameters) { xt = y[1] yt = y[2] dy = rep(NA, length(y)) dy[1] = xt*(parameters$epsilon_1 - parameters$sigma_1*xt - parameters$alpha_1*yt) dy[2] = yt*(parameters$epsilon_2 - parameters$sigma_2*yt - parameters$alpha_2*xt) list(dy) } diff_eq_params = list(epsilon_1=epsilon_1, sigma_1=sigma_1, alpha_1=alpha_1, epsilon_2=epsilon_2, sigma_2=sigma_2, alpha_2=alpha_2) #postscript('../../WriteUp/Graphics/Chapter9/chap_9_sect_4_prob_5_plot.eps', onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE) t.end = 5.0 L = 4 flowField(my_yprime, x.lim = c(-L, +L), y.lim = c(-L, +L), parameters = diff_eq_params, points = 30, add = FALSE, xlab='x', ylab='y') # Plot some trajectories with initial condition near the critical points: # trajectory(my_yprime, y0 = c(2, 2), t.end = t.end, parameters = diff_eq_params, col='black', pch=8) trajectory(my_yprime, y0 = c(-2, 0), t.end = t.end, parameters = diff_eq_params, col='blue', pch=8) trajectory(my_yprime, y0 = c(2, -2), t.end = t.end, parameters = diff_eq_params, col='red', pch=8) trajectory(my_yprime, y0 = c(0.1, -2), t.end = t.end, parameters = diff_eq_params, col='green', pch=8) points(CP$x, CP$y, pch=19) #dev.off()